Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dear Mike McQueary

Mr. McQueary

I doubt you will ever see this email because you are likely shielding yourself from such things. I am not a Pennsylvania resident nor am I a Penn State fan. I, in fact, had no idea who you were a week ago and wish that was still the case. You went from the silent redhead on the sideline of Penn State to a cowardly chump who did nothing to rescue a child from a monster. I'm sure you have your reasons. It's common knowledge that some people flee when faced with stress, while others fight. Your inaction is unforgivable. I don't know anything about your personal life, but I do know something about your character. I know that you left a locker room after witnessing an adult man raping a little boy without bashing that man's skull in and calling law enforcement. I know that you returned to a place of security for you, Happy Valley, in 2000 after not being good enough for the NFL. Ironic that your place of security and history is a place of nightmares for many others.

You, sir, had an opportunity to do the right thing, the moral thing, the only thing; instead, you chose to do next to nothing. You could have saved other boys from being raped instead, you enabled a monster. Resigning is not enough, but it would be a start. I hope you've made peace with God for what you didn't do, now you have to make peace with everyone else.

Very truly yours,

Rebecca Grunewald
Des Moines, IA

Thanks to @FireMikeMcQueary for passing along Mike McQueary's email address:

In case you don't know the details of this case, you can read them here. Warning, you will be sickened and angered by what you read.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dear Truuuuue Conservatives and (Fellow) Establishment RINOS:

Dear Truuuuue Conservatives and (Fellow) Establishment RINOS:

I'm taking time out of my busy cocktail guzzling schedule to share with you some thoughts about our presidential primary season and how it's shaping up. In short, I'm nervous. . .

Firstly, if I haven't been clear, I am in the "anybody who can defeat Obama camp" (I know, I know...RACIST!). Sigh, moving right main concern is, as Charles Krauthammer puts it, the authenticity vs electibilty issue.

I fear we are at risk of repeating the same mistake the democrats made in 2004. Our adversaries were in a position to win the 2004 general election. Operation Iraqi Freedom (Bush's War) was highly controversial for different reasons. Some believed the operation took resources from Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan (the good war). Saddam Hussein wasn't a threat to us and even though at some point in time he was in possession of, at the very least, chemical weapons (weapons of mass destruction) they were nowhere to be found in 2003. Some were angry with Bush giving the federal government the Go-Go-Gadget Collection with The Patriot Act. Others were angry about the spending increases, fighting two wars is expensive. And how can we forget The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and The Jobs and Growth Tax Reconciliation Act of 2003 (the Bush Tax Cuts)?

Sounds like a landslide waiting to happen, right? Wrong. Kerry lost by over 3.5 million votes, he fared better in the electoral college, 286 to 251. All candidates are not created equal, electability matters.

The current GOP pool plus the truuuuue conservative vs the establishment RINOS infighting could put us in the same position the democrats were in, eight years ago. I find a lot of my fellow republicans writing on social media sites and blogs that we could defeat President Obama with any one of the candidates currently running (or Sarah Palin) even if national polls suggest otherwise; this concerns me. I do believe that Obama is beatable, just as I think Bush was in 2004, as long as we choose a winner. But please, while doing so, keep these things in mind:
  • Each of the current candidates is on record as saying they will repeal ObamaCare and appoint conservative judges to the Supreme Court.
  • While I agree that entitlement reform must happen, it is a huge manmade problem facilitated by us, the voters. We have allowed the government to grow with each administration, we have to have realistic expectations about what can be done and we can't win the general without Independents.
  • Illegal immigration reform has been campaigned on for decades resulting in nothing but talk. If you are born here, you are an American, period. Educating American children is not just the only choice, it is the smart choice. Investing in young Americans (I don't care where their parents were born) through education is a no-brainer. I don't know why Perry had a hard time articulating this on Thursday but "children of illegals" and "illegals" are not the same thing. How to do so, is a fair question but asking "should we" is not.
  • And as far as getting sucked into abortion, gay marriage and capital punishment debates:

We can win, as long as we don't get Kerry'd away.

P.S. If after reading this post you want to comment on the legality of war, I wasn't addressing you but I'm sure your mom would like to discuss the War Powers Act and the current administration's actions in Libya.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca

Hey kids, here's the latest webisode of Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca. Alex Jones and I discussed Afghanistan living, Bachmann's problem with Gardasil, Sarah Palin's juicy (possibly made up) past, why Bud Selig is an unpatriotic turd, Michelle Obama's latest food casualty plus a phone-a-friend bonus, Adam Dawson, who moonlights as the drummer for Virginia Coalition, calls in to share the best story you will ever hear involving anyone from Journey or what I am calling "speaking in tongues with Neal Schon". As usual, NSFW:

cross-posted at Right Wing News

Friday, September 9, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca

Hey kids, here's the latest webisode of Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca; me and Leah Trost (...or is it Leah Trost and I??? Ugh, grammar is hard) discuss the key to ageing successfully, the blogger who cried "rape", Celine Dion's bathtub, bear punching, grandma tattoos, great-grandma boob jobs and more. I probably said something offensive, proceed at your own risk:

cross-posted at Right Wing News

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Patriot Day Football

Happy Saturday kids! It's the first *official* day of college football. Yeah, there were a few games earlier this week, like last night's big win for Baylor over TCU (congrats, Ryan!) but today is all about [insert your favorite team here]. I live in Iowa, yeehaw...not really, the Iowa Hawkeyes are the local equivalent to having a professional football team. And though, many Iowa fans have never graced the halls of the Old Capitol Building in Iowa City, they were there in spirits, wink, wink.

I grew up in Alexandria, Virginia in a non-fanatical college football home. My dad passively rooted for all of the local teams, saving himself for the Redskins on Sundays. Note: none of his children are fans of the Skins and both of his daughters married Cowboys loyalists.

I love football, any day of the week. In fact, I can be seen sitting outside of Stilwell Jr. High School at least three times a week watching 12 year old boys at pigskin practice...which sounds super creepy but one of them belongs to me so I'm told it's okay as long as I'm not drunk. So I don't drink until after.

The NFL starts its season this Thursday night. NBC will air the Saints versus the Super Bowl Champion Packers at Lambeau Field sometime after our dear leader gives his latest jobs speech. If we were Smurfs our president would be called Speechy. Wow, that was super lame...a "Smurfs" reference...and then I used "lame". I shouldn't go on, but I do have a point. Even though, I said (on my show, which you should watch) I wouldn't do this (write something about 9/11), I'm doing it. Shut up, I'm a woman, I'm s'posed to change my mind.

Next Sunday in addition to being the first NFL Sunday Funday this fall, is the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks which killed 2,977 people. We won't ever forget where we were, who we were with and how we felt that day and the days following. Listening to reports trickle out about the details of the horror on board those aircrafts, hearing family members tearfully share their accounts of phone conversations with loved ones abroad American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 93; learning about the heroics and selflessness on board Flight 93 giving all patriot's a heavy heart. The battlefield was forever changed as were its warriors.

Ten years later we are still at war in Afghanistan. Many KIA were children on September, 11, 2001. Our hearts remain heavy over the Marines, Soldiers, Airmen and Sailors who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom. We are a grateful nation.

On Sunday, September 11th, I will be watching football. The flyovers and songs sung before the games will be even more hair-raising and tear-jerking than they are on other Sundays because on this Sunday while we remember the victims of 9/11 and our troops we will also remember what we are capable of as one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Go Broncos!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca

Hey kids, here's the latest webisode of Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca. My guest, anonymous blogger "Eva McCane" of and I discuss Chaz Bono, legal protection for ugly people, Michele Bachmann's hair, German hookers and much more! Viewers be warned, naughty language and sex talk ahead:

Video streaming by Ustream

cross-posted at Right Wing News

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A light bulb ban? Get Off My Jock!

By now you've likely heard that on January 1, 2012 the federal government's ban on incandescent light bulbs goes into effect. You will then be forced to use the toxic, mercury filled compact fluorescent variety instead.

The new bulbs cost more money, between five and ten times the older, safer yet energy wasting kind. But, don't fret because the new baneful, big ticket, beacons will save you around $50 a year...allegedly...according to the Department of Energy and Sesame Street's The Count (probably).

The new, energy saving bulbs are supposed to last about 10,000 hours (wow, that's a lot). No word on whether those 10,000 hours are calculated on God's time or a scientist's - usually the distinction is quite significant.

When the bulb burns out, whether it's because the science was flawed or it's actually burned it's 10,000 (!!!) hours, due to it's toxicity, you may not toss it in the garbage. You must find your local special waste dropoff site - which means that you'll likely be paying more for trash removal service, however your city likes to stick it to you.

Oh, and according to the New York Post, at New York's special waste dropoff sites, when dumping your toxic compact fluorescent duds you should also bring along your driver's licence so that a sanitation department worker can document your name, address and vehicle registration number while taking note of your harmful waste - think about that five times fast.

Remember the old thermometers? Y'know the glass ones with the mercury inside? Did you ever break one? Did your parents freak out? Well I did and mine did, turns out they were right to. If you break one of these mercury filled, super bulbs, the EPA recommends the following:

Before Cleanup

  1. Have people and pets leave the room, and avoid the breakage area on the way out.

  2. Open a window or door to the outdoors and leave the room for 5-10 minutes.

  3. Shut off the central forced-air heating/air conditioning (H&AC) system, if you have one.

  4. Collect materials you will need to clean up the broken bulb:
    • Stiff paper or cardboard
    • Sticky tape (e.g., duct tape)
    • Damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes (for hard surfaces)
    • Glass jar with a metal lid (such as a canning jar) or a sealable plastic bag(s)

Cleanup Steps for Hard Surfaces

  1. Carefully scoop up glass fragments and powder using stiff paper or cardboard and place debris and paper/cardboard in a glass jar with a metal lid. If a glass jar is not available, use a sealable plastic bag. (NOTE: Since a plastic bag will not prevent the mercury vapor from escaping, remove the plastic bag(s) from the home after cleanup.)

  2. Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder. Place the used tape in the glass jar or plastic bag.

  3. Wipe the area clean with damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes. Place the towels in the glass jar or plastic bag.

  4. Vacuuming of hard surfaces during cleanup is not recommended unless broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken. [NOTE: It is possible that vacuuming could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor, although available information on this problem is limited.] If vacuuming is needed to ensure removal of all broken glass, keep the following tips in mind:
    • Keep a window or door to the outdoors open;
    • Vacuum the area where the bulb was broken using the vacuum hose, if available; and
    • Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister) and seal the bag/vacuum debris, and any materials used to clean the vacuum, in a plastic bag.

  5. Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials, including vacuum cleaner bags, outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly.
    • Check with your local or state government about disposal requirements in your area. Some states and communities require fluorescent bulbs (broken or unbroken) be taken to a local recycling center.

  6. Wash your hands with soap and water after disposing of the jars or plastic bags containing bulb debris and cleanup materials.

  7. Continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the H&AC system shut off, as practical, for several hours.

Cleanup Steps for Carpeting or Rugs

  1. Carefully scoop up glass fragments and powder using stiff paper or cardboard and place debris and paper/cardboard in a glass jar with a metal lid. If a glass jar is not available, use a sealable plastic bag. (NOTE: Since a plastic bag will not prevent the mercury vapor from escaping, remove the plastic bag(s) from the home after cleanup.)

  2. Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder. Place the used tape in the glass jar or plastic bag.

  3. Vacuuming of carpeting or rugs during cleanup is not recommended unless broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken. [NOTE: It is possible that vacuuming could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor, although available information on this problem is limited.] If vacuuming is needed to ensure removal of all broken glass, keep the following tips in mind:
    • Keep a window or door to the outdoors open;
    • Vacuum the area where the bulb was broken using the vacuum hose, if available, and
    • Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister) and seal the bag/vacuum debris, and any materials used to clean the vacuum, in a plastic bag.

  4. Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials, including vacuum cleaner bags, outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly.
    • Check with your local or state government about disposal requirements in your area. Some states and communities require fluorescent bulbs (broken or unbroken) be taken to a local recycling center.

  5. Wash your hands with soap and water after disposing of the jars or plastic bags containing bulb debris and cleanup materials.

  6. Continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the H&AC system shut off, as practical, for several hours

Future Cleaning of Carpeting or Rugs: Air Out the Room During and After Vacuuming

  1. The next several times you vacuum the rug or carpet, shut off the H&AC system if you have one, close the doors to other rooms, and open a window or door to the outside before vacuuming. Change the vacuum bag after each use in this area.

  2. After vacuuming is completed, keep the H&AC system shut off and the window or door to the outside open, as practical, for several hours.
Heh. Nuclear power and cigarettes are bad but these light bulbs are super awesome...and 20% dimmer.

The Republicans in Congress brought this ridiculous federal ban up for repeal and failed. The Republicans who voted against the repeal (HR 2417) are:

Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-1) - voted "present"

Be sure to let them know how you feel.

Thanks to Meredith Dake for this list.

UPDATE: Thanks to my friend Brian Wood for reminding me that it was Dubya who signed the original 822 page bill which phased out the evil incandescent light bulb in 2007. Another one of George's "big government" boo-boos. #badgeorge

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Migraines and Remedies and Shoes

Hey Kids (<- capitalized because you *are* important),

I wanted to share something with you because sharing is caring and I care...somewhat. Anyway, I suffer from, I hate cliches. I get hormonal migraines, I don't like the way that sounds.

I get menstrual migraines. Sorry, that's a bit more graphic and specific yet accurate. While I'm being specific and in case you're a doctor who wants to send me Vicodin, I only get them when I ovulate on one side and never while doing so on the other. I also had an ovarian cyst removed on that side half a score ago (you like it when I go all Abe Lincoln on you, dontcha?). The point of this post isn't to bitch it's to HELP. Seriously. Read on, I'm helpful and drunk.

Usually caffeine (most often in the form of strong coffee) and multiple masturbation sessions is my go-to migraine remedy but this month I was visited by a very special caffeine, orgasm (I know, GASP!) resistant, stomach turning varietal Migraine (<-capitalized for emphasis) which caused me to spend a lot of time whining in the room with the toilet. Sorry, again.

It should be noted that I have tried almost every prescription migraine medicine, none of them work...for me. And if you know me, you know I love pills. Please note: Vicodin is not technically a "migraine medicine", however it works for everything and I highly recommend using it whenever you can and are blah, blah prescribed it by a licensed physician blah. Cutting to the chase Dammit! Another cliche. If you also get migraines and you, like me, have tried EVERYTHING. Save yourself a trip to the doctor's office (unless your doctor is hot) and go to your local/favorite store that sells candy and buy a big package of Lifesaver Wint-O-Green candies, eat and repeat until your head feels like as normal as it did the day before.

You can thank me later or now...donate to the fund, I need these shoes and you didn't buy me anything for my birthday.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole with Twitter and Punctuation

Hey Kids,

It's been a while, I know...unless you follow me on Twitter, then it's been real. Remember when people used to say that? Yeah, I didn't think so. If you don't follow me on Twitter, why in the Hell not??? Also if you do, I likely owe you an apology...which I will be happy to give, for a donation to my shoe/drug/vodka fund, dollars make hollers.

Anyway, this post isn't about Twitter at all, even though it sort of started off that way. Did I mention that I love Twitter, because I do. Twitter [and vodka] is/are my life, which is sad slash awesome.

Speaking of [brackets], have you ever noticed that British authors use them in place of parenthesis (I think) -also they use a lot of dashes while punctuating, the long kind...which I don't know how to make with my keyboard, but I can draw one.


My favorite punctuation mark is the ellipsis...not because I like to pause for emphasis, but because I frequently tend to ramble on [with run-on sentences] and nothing breaks up a sentence like dot-dot-dot.

Don't be fooled, this post isn't about Twitter or punctuation, it's about my live ustream show, Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca [<- that's me]. Tomorrow night I will be joined by Polk County (Iowa) GOP, Co-Chair, Dave Funk.

You see, until the "First in the Nation" Iowa caucuses in February, "Iowa" and "GOP presidential pool" are going to go together like country music and firearms, so you may as well get your information from someone who lives and drinks here. I promise not to bore the pants off of you and not just because you won't be wearing any.

If you have questions for Dave or me or my mom, ask'em:

twitter: @duchessrebecca

...or post them here in the comments and don't forget to tune in 12 am ET/9 pm PT!

Also, if you'd like to send me something...something birthday *is* coming up (I wear a size 39/8.5 and I will fly coach):

Duchess Rebecca
PO Box 13332
Des Moines, IA 50310

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Duchess Rebecca: Fortune Teller???

Building a brand is harder than I thought. And, I'm no sellout. The things that are near and dear to my heart, I'd never try to duplicate; Spanx, Grey Goose, Astroglide and Hormel Black Label bacon are perfection. And shoes...there are too many delicious labels to list, well I could but...I'm under the influence and lazy. However, I would like to acknowledge that Steve Madden's cheap Louboutin knockoffs make me ill; also, Jessica Simpson and Fergie's versions make me homicidal (that means smell bleu cheese, right?).
Tonight I wondered on Twitter:
How does one get a job writing fortune cookies? I'd be super awesome at that.
Amirite? I hate people that use "amirite". *slaps self* Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, they'll be no need to add "in bed" to my fortunes and forget about "lucky numbers".
Examples of a Duchess Rebecca Fortune Cookie:
-Buy the shoes. Fuck that guy.
-Bite the bullet. Eat the worm.
-You reek of garlic. You're going to die alone.
-Guess What? 鸡屁股!
-Stop saying "winning", douche.
-You are too drunk to drive, but nobody cares enough to stop you.
-Tonight/today is the beginning/end of the rest of your life.
-You are here.
Late night, drunken brainstorms are the best. Thanks, @somethingfishie!
P.S. It should be noted that I have no idea how to use a semicolon, nor do I care.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hey kids, I hope your week is crazy delicious. If not, allow me to spice it up!


I will be joining, Editor-in-Chief, Larry O'Connor on his live radio carnival, The Stage Right Show, sometime during the midnight hour (ET) to discuss the upcoming royal wedding. He thinks it is "total crap", I disagree. There's no video for tonight's, I'll be naked save for a professional-strength, self-neutralizing glycolic peel and o'course also, drunk.

Last weekend, I visited the Diana exhibit at Kansas City's Union Station and I've been glued to BBC America for two days, so I am geared up for this discussion as well as the grand nuptials. Tune in, or else.


My show, Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca, will be broadcast from Webcast One Live studios in Des Moines. My cameraman, Jacob Moyer of Luminary Creative, is out of town. I couldn't find a replacement player so we're going to give the studio a whirl. Remember to take a disco nap and set your alarm for midnight ET/9 pm PT. (Just hours before Wills and Kate exchange vows.) *squeal*

Monday, May 9, 2011...

I will be speaking at the Des Moines 140 (Twitter) Conference at the Stoner Theater in the Civic Center. The conference is from 8 am - 5 pm. I am speaking last, either because I'm the best or because I was the last person to be included. You decide. Come on down to show your support...or to heckle me. Tickets are $57.50 correction: $60 (plus tax), register here. Many thanks to Debworks for allowing me to take part.

Thoughts? Gifts? Send them my way...

twitter: @duchessrebecca


snail mail: Duchess Rebecca
P.O. Box 13332
Des Moines, IA 50310

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March Madness Wish List

I've been a relatively good girl but that could all change with a pair of these...

It's late, you're drunk...send me a present:
Duchess Rebecca
PO Box 13332
Des Moines, IA 50310

PS. See a pair that you like better? Fine. I'm a size 39 and did I mention, I love you? Because I do.

PPS. Go Rams!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'd Get Kicked Out of BYU for These...

...yeah who am I kidding, I'd get kicked out of BYU for a lot less. But if you're feeling generous, you can donate these lovelies (size 9) to my lustful feet or hit the shoe fund.

Don't forget to watch my show, Down the Rabbit Hole, tonight at 12 am ET/9 pm PT, donors get shoutouts. . .buy me the shoes, win my eternal love.

You can send me shoes, or anything else, to:

Duchess Rebecca
PO Box 13332
Des Moines, IA 50310 for penis pics, you can send those to your mom.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Newt? Nope.

Rumor has it that former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich is going to make his big "I'm running for President" announcement this week. Yawn, we all knew this was coming. I liken Newt to President Clinton in two areas, skeletons and playing political chameleon. Neither is a compliment to the former Speaker. Let's take a look at Newt on the issues (I yield to Google on the skeletons), from

Keeping America Safe:

"We cannot merely shift resources from current activities. Instead, we must create a bigger national security system with a bigger budget and a more robust capacity to deal with multiple threats simultaneously."

Bigger, two; Robust Capacity, one; Efficient, zero

Limited Government: (heh, see above)

"An America marked by limited government, honest politicians, and a small bureaucracy, and which focuses on fairness and the rule of law, is the antithesis of a secular-socialist America dominated by political machines of big government, huge bureaucracies, and powerful politicians."

Prediction: Prepare to hear "secular-socialist" A LOT also heh.


"We should cut the corporate tax rate to 12.5% to match Ireland and match China on investment by eliminating the capital gains tax completely. We should also cut payroll taxes by 50% for both the employer and employee and provide a 100% tax write-off for new equipment. Eliminating the death tax would be both morally correct and a boon to economic growth."



"We must repeal and replace the left’s big government health bill with real solutions that will lower costs and improve health outcomes."

Replace? That scares me. If you read his entire healthcare rant position, it sounds as if a democrat could've written it...minus the use of the word "miasma", of course.


"We need to break out of our broken and outdated education model by expanding the use of charter schools and embracing school vouchers (or Pell Grants for K-12) to give parents immediate options if their child is trapped in a failing school."

Blah, blah, blah. Applause.

Environment and Energy:

"'Green conservatism' aims to bring about a cleaner, greener world while protecting the freedom and dignity of all people and ensuring their right to a better economic future"

Prediction: Prepare to hear "green conservatism" A LOT also world? heh.


"Any new worker visa program created to incorporate those illegal immigrants in the US with steady employment must be designed in a high tech way to make forgery impossible."

Sounds like somebody hearts an amnesty plan. R I N O.

Religious Liberty: (two parter)

"The secular socialist left – who hates the idea of an authority higher than the government - has used its domination of academia, the courts, and the media to twist the meaning of the first amendment from a right that protects religious liberty to prohibition on religious expression in the public square."


"To fight back, Newt and Callista have produced the Rediscovering God in America series (books and DVDs) to show how central religious expression in the public square was at the founding of America and throughout our history."

Rediscovery > Skeletons (also, I guess you're supposed to buy his books and DVDs)

And finally, my favorite category...

Judicial Activism:

"The elected branches – the executive and legislative – have other recourses to serve as a check against judicial overreach, including limiting the jurisdiction of federal courts on matters where they have consistently overreached their constitutional authority."


Dear Newt, please go away...unless you want to be the next Job Czar. Also, thanks for the material.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Coming in 369 Days, The 2012 Iowa Caucus

We are, almost, officially one year out from the first in the nation caucus which takes place in the great state of Iowa. Did I mention that I live in Iowa? The Iowa Caucus will take place Tuesday, February 6, 2012. This is a month later than it is usually held. According to The Washington Post, the RNC changed the date "to make it difficult for a candidate to rack up an insurmountable number of delegates early in the process, forcing candidates to campaign across the country." Perhaps taking votes away from someone like former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who is a very likeable guy that spent a lot of time schmoozing in Iowa.

The Iowa caucus is like the Iowa State Fair for political junkies albeit in freezing cold temps. News trucks line the downtown streets. The local economy gets fatter as familiar faces from television and the campaign trail feast on corn fed beef or pork at neighborhood eateries with dark bars. Restaurateurs and residents alike cheerfully take note of their famous guests, spreading the word of sightings as fast as their fingers can text.

If you couldn't tell already, I love the Iowa caucus. As an implant from the Washington DC area, the buzz leading up to the Iowa caucus gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. You know that feeling that most people get when they smell their grandmother's chocolate chip cookies? I get that way when I smell Italian leather, cashmere and single malt scotch with a hint of smugness and nicotine.

My point is, we republicans have another year before we get to decide who we are going to put up against President Obama for the 2012 Presidential Election and in doing so, what platform we are going to support most. I am in favor of any candidate with a strong economical plan; plan being the operative word.

We must choose wisely and think in terms of putting forth a winner, a republican candidate with core conservative principles who has a specific economic plan that will lure independents who are fed up with rhetoric and ready for real change and growth. This candidate must campaign on issues that matter today, not issues of the past. And their campaign must go beyond talking points and one-liners.

The republican pool for the presidency is going to be bigger than ever. President Obama is a master campaigner who will likely have a billion dollars at his disposal. His oratory skills and charisma on the stump will be hard to match so we mustn't try. Facts, figures, methods and means are the only way to defeat Obama. So, I implore you to put your litmus tests away, social cons; a RINO in the White House > Barack Obama.

Cross-posted at Pundit League

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lance Armstrong: Cancer Survivor and Cheater?

This week's Sports Illustrated has a pretty scathing article about cyclist golden boy, Lance Armstrong. In short, Armstrong is under federal investigation and could face charges against him of conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering, racketeering, drug trafficking and defrauding the US government.


Directing the government’s investigation is the Eliot Ness of Performance Enhancing Drug (PED) inquiries, Jeff Novitzky. Remember him? He famously brought down BALCO Labs and Olympian Marion Jones.

If you haven’t read the article it's worth a read. Lance Armstrong maintains that he will be vindicated. But after reading all of the allegations from so many people closely involved with US Cycling and Armstrong himself, it's easier to believe that from 1990 to 2009 US Cycling was a very dirty sport and everyone that was affiliated with the teams is guilty. Armstrong and his lawyer would rather throw around words like "discredited" in the direction of anyone who is cooperating with the investigation or who has made public statements regarding his alleged use of PEDs.

I know, I know…but, Armstrong is a cancer survivor and his foundation raises so much money for cancer research. If he cheated, surviving cancer doesn't make him any less of a cheater. Also, Floyd Landis is quoted in the SI article as saying: "Lance told me that [Dr. Michele] Ferrari had been paranoid that he had helped cause the cancer and became more conservative after that". File that quote under: things that make you go hmmm. Also, yes, I’m aware that no one believes anything uttered by the "discredited" Landis.

This article confirms my feeling that Lance Armstrong is the Barry Bonds of cycling. Speaking of Bonds, Barry Bonds he’s facing perjury charges (thanks to Novitzky's BALCO investigation). If Bonds was a cancer survivor would baseball fans feel any different about him? No. We wouldn’t.

As a lifelong Orioles fan (go ahead, laugh) I grew up watching Cal Ripken, Jr. play. If the Orioles had a game, Cal, Jr. played in it. In good seasons and in bad, like when the O’s started their season 0-21 and his father Cal, Sr. was fired as Skipper…Cal, Jr. continued to play. He played in 2,632 consecutive games, all with the Orioles. Cal, Jr. played in all those games during the so-called "steroid era" in baseball and was never associated with the use of any PED. If he had been, my heart would have shattered.

Remember how outraged we were during the 2008 Summer Olympics when the Chinese girl's gymnastics team beat our girl's team with their toddler underage squad? They cheated. And while I do think that cheating is cheating, period; using PEDs in an endurance sport like cycling seems more beneficial than in a sport that also involves physics and hand-eye coordination like baseball. Seriously, anyone can ride a bike, including me. I've never tried hitting a home run out of Giants Stadium but I’m pretty sure that I couldn't even if I was on roids.

And while I understand that US Cycling isn't exactly Major League Baseball, Lance Armstrong has catapulted himself from US Cyclist to some kind of American hero. So while we as Americans may not care much about the ins and outs of cycling we should care about someone who may have duped us into thinking that he’s one of the good guys.

Cross-posted at Pundit League

Monday, January 24, 2011

You are Formally Invited Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca

Hey kids! Guess what? Nope. Guess again? Nooooooo. Okay, okay...stop begging, I'll tell you...

Yours truly will be live on these here the kids say...oh they don't say that anymore, who cares...anyway as I say saying and writing (it's called multitasking also shaddup) Thursday night at 11 pm CT (that's stands for "central time" dummy) I will be debuting a live *gulp* show on Brad Wyman's ustream channel, WYTV. [hint: that's called a name drop, that means you should Google him]

My show, "Down the Rabbit Hole with Duchess Rebecca" conceptually, is the would be love-child if The View (ABC) and Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen (Bravo) made a demented thirty-fun-year-old-baby. Sounds awesome, right?

Do you have questions for me? Well by all means, tweet me @duchess_rebecca, Facebook me, email me or if you'd like to send me something good, please do:

Duchess Rebecca
PO BOX 13332
Des Moines, IA 50310

I'm super excited and supremely nervous, tune in to watch me make a big fool of myself in a most fantastic way live this Thursday night (9 pm PT, 11 pm CT)/Friday (12 am ET).

Watch or die. No...really, no promises...I am very powerful.

Quiz: Will You Be Watching American Idol?

Quiz: Will You Be Watching <i>American Idol</i>?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Wikipedia!

Ten years ago, this week, the internet was forever changed with the January 15, 2001 launch of With over 3.5 million English language entries, Wikipedia has become the go-to place for information. Some teachers frown on or flat out forbid the use of Wikipedia as a factual source for information because anyone may edit any page. But, I say hogwash...actually I say something else but this is a family show...Wikipedia is the cat's pajamas!

Where else can you find:

...famous people that share your birthday? it a fruit or a vegetable?

...the side effects of Vicodin?

...the lifespan of a hamster?

...the Weight Watchers PointsPlus formula?

...the traditional gift for your sister's 12th wedding anniversary?

...recipe for a Flirtini?

...the administrative capital of Sri Lanka?

...all of the Green Lantern bios?

...a list of NFL individual player records?

and so much more, all in one place???

Birthday cheers, Wikipedia!

h/t Major Garrett

Cross-posted at Pundit League

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stalking for Dummies

Like having your personal information on the web such as home address and telephone number, age, information about your home and more? All in one place? Well have I got great news for you! There's a new(ish) website,, that shares most of your private personal information for free or the whole kit and kaboddle for under $40 a year. Creeptastic!

I visited spokeo, typed in my name and hit enter. My jaw dropped as not only my home address showed up and not one but three views of my home. *waving* Hello, creepers! Also available, my home phone number, house value, household income, credit score and much, much more! How dare they not share my shoe size, at least then, my stalkers could send stylish gifts. Hrmph. Oh well. I didn't freak out, because thanks to a friend's Facebook status update, I knew how to remove my listing. Many thanks, Katy!

Here's what YOU need to do, asap:

1) Go to - their site must be very busy today, be patient, you will want to remove your listing

2) type in your name, city and state

3) The next page will have your info, go to the top of the page and copy the url address

4) at the bottom in small print, click "privacy" - this should take you to a new page

5) paste your page's url address, enter your email and the security code given

6) check your email and click the confirmation to remove yourself

You're Welcome!

According to Snopes, this is only half the battle. They're still going to sell your info to third party members a la Facebook. But hey, maybe now that creepy guy on Twitter won't show up at your crib with duct tape and chloroform.

PS If you do find my address, I wear a size 39 (or an 8.5).

Cross-posted at Pundit League