Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RINO Slumber Party!!!

If you missed Lori Ziganto, Jenn Q. Public and me on The Jenny Erikson Show yesterday or just want to listen to it over and over again (who doesn't???), take a trip over to Jenny's site and feast your ears on the best thing to happen to the internet since "Charlie bit my finger".

Thanks again Jenny, Lori and Jenn.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Conservative Chick Chat TONIGHT!!!

Do you like smart, hot chicks? O'course you do! Tonight at 10 pm ET listen to The Jenny Erikson Show at From the Right Radio. Tune in as Jenny, Jenn Q. Public, Lori Ziganto and I have a candid discussion covering next week's election, pot, fear of flying, sexy photos and more!

We're also available for parties.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yankees Sweep ALDS...Grrrrrrr.

I bleed for baseball. As an Orioles fan, translation: I bleed. This video makes me hate the Yankees less (I need all the help I can get):

Click to watch on youtube.