Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RINO Slumber Party!!!

If you missed Lori Ziganto, Jenn Q. Public and me on The Jenny Erikson Show yesterday or just want to listen to it over and over again (who doesn't???), take a trip over to Jenny's site and feast your ears on the best thing to happen to the internet since "Charlie bit my finger".

Thanks again Jenny, Lori and Jenn.


  1. The greatest bit of chick chat in the history of the interwebs.

  2. Best slumber party evah! I needed a cigarette afterward.

  3. Great Job...But I cant tell over the radio which one is you speaking...LOL

  4. I needed, and had, cigarettes *during* I'm good like that ;)

  5. Glad to hear you are a Republican In Name Only. The world is a much more interesting place than the black and white some would want you to believe. Viva la Rebecca!
